Gear post: Our electronics
Here in this transitory narrative moment from India to SE Asia, I thought I’d take a second to do a quick gear post, lest the series get completely abandoned. This post is about all the technology that we’ve brought with us. We are far from being digital nomads but we’ve still managed to pack a…
Gear post: Shoes update 1
Hi everyone! I know you’re waiting to hear more about the cities we’ve been visiting, but we hit a couple spots with bad internet and right now we’re being kept busy with visiting old friends here in Switzerland. We’re working on the more substantial stuff, I promise!To tide you over, here’s a quick update on…
Gear post: Shoes
Now that we’ve gotten some of the travelogue out of the way, here’s some discussion on our gear to keep you until the next installment. One of the most important things for us was deciding which shoes to bring. We read a lot about the different types, ranging from hardcore hiking boots to lightweight running shoes.…